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"Dark Water was one of my favourite films to shoot because of Walter. I had seen the previous films he had directed, Central Station and Motorcycle Diaries, and I thought they were great. I really trusted him." 
Jennifer Connelly

"There is no reason why the Louvre should be your favourite gallery just because it has the grandest collections in France, any more than Kew should necessarily be a favourite garden because it has the largest assemblage of plants, or Tesco your chosen shop because it has the widest variety of canned beans." 
Jim Crace

"My favourite TV show is 'Pretty Little Liars,' and I actually made a guest appearance on it. I didn't really have lines for my character, but I definitely want to get more into those kinds of shows."
Maddie Ziegler

"I never was that boy who loved gangster films, but when I was growing up, I was obsessed with the detective Dick Tracy. It was one of my favourite movies as a kid, and he really inspired me. I would have loved to be part of that golden age of Hollywood in the 1940s. It made me want to become an actor." 
Ryan Gosling

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